I’ve never been more annoyed with America than on the Fourth of July. I truly hate this holiday. I’m perfectly fine with staying home and watching a good movie while others get drunk, watch fireworks, smoke pot in public and drive. I’d rather be safe and comfortable on my couch in front of my TV. Maybe with some hot cocoa and under a warm blanket because the AC is at 65 degrees. I swear to you, I’m not racist, but I cannot stand my own race sometimes. They ignore the law and bring alcohol and fireworks to a public city park. Then there’s the black family that had to sit right behind us, they were smoking weed and the whole time the kids were complaining that something smelled gross (good kids) and strong. It just frustrates the hell out of me. The city spends all this money to put on a beautiful display of fireworks for us and people ruin it by coming to the park, being loud, leaving trash, ignoring the posted signs about no alcohol, drugs and fireworks. *End Rant*
My day wasn’t that great. I got up and went for a 114 minute walk with my mother this morning. I came home and made a Veggie Loaded Fritatta for breakfast with an English Muffin. I had me some coffee and sat at the laptop for a while, trolling all my favorite sites. I helped Derrick clean the house today; straightened the living room, vacuumed and detailed the kitchen (twice). (PS I hate people shooting off fireworks so close to my house, it sounds like a shotgun blast and I worry about them breaking the windows or starting a fire) I then got back on the computer and spent way too much time on SparkPeople.com LOL. I’m getting ready for a Health & Fitness Challenge starting this Monday by my friend Jasmine. I made myself a Chocolate Protein Shake for lunch and afterwards I got SO full from it, that I fell asleep on the couch while watching the Dr. Oz Show.
I woke up from my nap and decided to clean the kitchen again and then start dinner. I woke up Derrick, who’s been sick all day (poor thing) and he grabbed the baby for me while I finished cutting up the potatoes and carrots for dinner. While it was cooking, I did some strength training and Wii Zumba. Synthia came over for a bit and we chit chatted for a while. Afterwards I took a shower and got dressed. I watched the news for a bit before getting back on the computer. Around 6:15 pm dinner was ready and so we all sat down to eat. My grandpa had called to see if we wanted to go to the park earlier than 7 and we said no way, there’s no way we’d sit at the park for 3 hours with kids at a park that doesn’t have a playground. After dinner I packed the diaper bag, a snack and drink bag and the baby’s playpen and a big blanket to sit on. My grandparents picked us up at 15 after 7 and we all piled into the trucks and took off to the park. It was already crowded, with the Mexicans taking up the whole park for a soccer game. My people get on my nerves. The fireworks started after 9 pm and as soon as they were over, we left. A car almost hit us while leaving and sped off into on coming traffic just to cut in line. When we got home, we all had a piece of chocolate cake for dessert.
Now I’m home and trying to relax by watching American Dad, you know, the correct way to spend this holiday LOL. Derrick is planning his PSP and the kiddos are in bed. I know it’s late and I need to practice yoga, but I want to spend some time writing a blog since I didn’t do one yesterday. Tomorrow I need to spend time with Evelyn and bake something delicious. Maybe some cookies and let the girls decorate them with frosting and sprinkles. I just need to keep them occupied and happy. Damn this long summer and no extra income (we still haven’t gotten Derrick’s check). We played a boardgame this morning after breakfast but there’s how many weeks til school is back in session? Anyways, I feel I wrote enough about this crappy day and I’m gunna say goodnight and go do some yoga. Have a goodnight.
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