Sunday, September 8, 2013

Friends Are the FAMILY You Get to Choose

Today was mostly a good day, until I got off work and checked Facebook. But I’ll get to that later. I kind of got to sleep in this morning, if you think 7:30 am is sleeping in, cause for us, it is. I got up and watched the news for about an hour and then I made breakfast for all of us. Then I got on the computer for a bit and enjoyed some coffee while watching more of the news. Around 9 I decided to take a shower and start getting ready for work. After I finished my hair & makeup, I got a magazine and sat down next to Derrick on the couch and hung for a bit. I needed to leave the house by 11:50 am to make the bus. Once I left the house, I immediately regretted flat-ironing my hair and wearing it down because, good Lord, it was hot! While I was at the bus stop, this random teenager came up to the stop and asked me questions about the bus. Once my bus pulled up, he made some comment about me looking “cute” today and asked for my number so he could text me. I thanked him for the compliment, but ran for the bus.
I got to work early today by about an hour. So I had lunch while watching the football games with the other associates. Work was pretty good today, we had a steady flow of customers all day. The day went by pretty fast. I remember clocking in at 1:30 and then bam! It was 5:30 and I needed to bag out my drawer. After work, I got my belongings from my locker and bought the baby some diapers. I used my SYWR points and only paid $3.77 for her diapers—woot! Only sucky thing, is now I’m back to 0 on my SYWR account. Wa wa waaaa. After I was finished at Kmart, I ran across the street to Sprouts and picked up some ingredients for dinner tonight. Then I dashed to the bus stop and scrolled on Facebook for a while, while waiting for the bus. The bus turned out to be 15 minutes late and I was freaking out thinking that I missed it. But it showed and I got on, exhausted and totally ready to be hoe already. Too bad that bus drops me off 3 city blocks from my house. So I had to trek it home in the heat carrying my purse and a full grocery bag.
So I get home I start dinner with Derrick as soon as I walk in the door. We start talking and we come across the topic of his family. Derrick explained to me how hurt and offended he was to see that his family was out here in Riverside today and NO ONE called him or came by the house to visit him or the kids. That’s why I’ll always dislike his family, they don’t think and even if they did, they CHOSE not to call or visit him. That’s cold. I hate to say it, but the only “family” who’ve proved themselves that they care and love for Derrick, the kids and even me, are the family members we haven’t even met yet. Carlos and Ana are amazing and the best in-laws any girl could wish for. They constantly ask me how the kids are doing, how I’m doing and to tell Derrick and us all that they love us. But today, when I got on Facebook and I see all these photos of Derrick’s family being in town and yet our phone never rang. I’m kind of glad that my kids don’t know Derrick’s side of the family that well because they obviously don’t want to know my kids. If my kids grow up and never speak to them and don’t call them aunt or uncle, that’s fine by me—they have amazing aunts and uncles on my side of the family who love them, call them and visit them. Plus they have their grandparents who Skype them every weekend from Costa Rica. 
But now my babies are all tucked in comfortably and snugly in their beds. And the house is quiet and I’m blogging while Derrick is working on his drawing lesson. He’s doing so good on this. I hope he becomes this awesome art teacher some day! He’s so talented and I’m so lucky to have him. It’s Sunday and there’s not really anything good on TV, Shark Tank was a repeat. I’m hoping the weather changes this week and it’s not so hot. I work tomorrow a full 8 hours. So I’d love to have some forgiving weather to walk home in. For now, I’m gunna go snuggle up to my handsome husband and watch a couple of Law & Order: SVU episodes before I have to get up early for work and getting the kids to school. It’s a Monday and I have a FULL work week ahead of me. Debating whether or not I should shave my legs for work tomorrow or just wear leggings. We’ll see how I feel in the morning. Most days, I don’t even have the energy to put on makeup, but I need to look awake and glowy for my customers at work, so I paint on the war paint even though I KNOW the heat is gunna melt it off. Oh well. Have a good night!

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