So two questions I've seen posted around the internet involving mental illness are; if you have children, do you worry about them being bipolar? and do you drink and take your psych meds? I decided to throw out my two cents about how I feel about both subjects and why. These are MY opinions, no one else’s and I’m not forcing my decisions or beliefs on anyone. Honestly, I’d like to know how others feel about these topics too!
First up, if you have children, do you worry about them being bipolar?
In a nutshell, the answer is no. I know what signs to look for, which numbers to call and which doctors to see. If it’s mild enough, I’ll keep them away from medications, and just have them do DBT/CBT therapies. But if it’s a wildly strong episode that is reckless and dangerous I have no problem suggesting medications for my own children. Even though, I myself am paranoid that the drugs aren’t really working, but are placebos and the “curing” is all in my head.
Secondly, do you drink and take your psych meds?
Yes I drink alcohol and take my medication. I have yet to miss a dose of any of my medications. I don’t drink daily. Maybe 3-6 drinks once a month. Some might consider me to be a sporadic binge drinker. I haven’t been told the side effects of drinking while on the medication, so I do drink. A friend on another site recently shared an online forum post about developing Rhabdomyolysis from drinking and skipping psych meds, a story of which I do not believe. My husband had Rhabdo in 2009 and his Nepherologist never mentioned psych meds and alcohol causing it and Derrick was on Zoloft and he drink, but the cause of his condition was working in the heat on an injury.
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